NTU Subjects
Sem 1 4th year
MP4004 Advanced Manufacturing and Nanotechnology
MP4005 Fluid Dynamics
MP4007 Engineers and Society
MP4008 Human Resource Management
MP4009 Professional Communication
MP4011 Mechanical System Design and Analysis
Special sem 3rd year
Haha I'm going to be super kiasu.. I'm going to take 3 sub. 1 Prescribed and 2 GE and all about communication. 1 morning paper, 1 afternoon paper and 1 non examinable. Through the years I finally understand that alot of subjects are usless. They might seem to be really helpful. However who will still remember what debit credit.. what rubbish economic term, what engineering integration. And Mind over stress subject actually does work.. Can you imagine that..
Greetings, introductions and alphabet (pronunciation); Expressing personal information (name, profession, nationality, address and telephone number). Numbers 0-100; Description and location of places and objects (use of adjectives and adverbs of place). The time; Description of people, both physical and emotional. Comparisons; My family. Expressing relationships. Description; Expressing habitual actions. Talking about frequency (adverbs of frequency); Expressing suggestions and requests. Positive and negative commands. Offering help; Emotional and physical states. Expressing pain, states of mind, obligation; Giviging advice: accepting and rejecting; Expressing likes and dislikes. Plans and projects. Obligation and necessity; Showing agreement and disagreement. Ordering at a restaurant. Expressing actions in progress.
This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills for effective interpersonal communication that is essential for professional success and personal happiness. The course starts with a general introduction of interpersonal behavior and then covers various aspects of effective communication. Major senses and sensibilities issues of individual and their effects are also discussed.
Communication: Scope and Purpose; Model of the Communication Process; Te Determinants of Comunication Effectiveness; Communication in a Personal Context; Interpersonal Communication; The Social Matrix of Communication; Meaning and Communication; Dimensions of Meaning; Structuring of Perceptions; Inferences.