Thursday, July 27, 2006

WilD WiLD WeT ChalET

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fullerene Grossness

I must eat and breathe FUllERENE everyday from today onwards!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Settler's Cafe

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I have extended my IA... And the pay is really neat... i'm surprise abt the pay they offer. They're really nice and I'm so afraid of disappointing them. I dun really think I am that capable. So the stress is there..

I realise I am quite money minded and grades oriented.. You know, those kind of ppl.. But I just became more realistic. Shape up by the society. If I am not in Singapore, I won't be like that. If I were to live in Australia, I might end up a happy bum.

A procurement manager seems very nice.. Imagine, 150 K / year.... Thats around 10 K ++ / mth!!! And engineer just earn a sad 2K / mth.. Engineer dun EArN big $$$. Thats a wrong worng assumption. Its just a stable job. Cos engineers are always in demand.