My Drool
I'm going to get it soon... real soon.... hohoho.....
Once and for all
I don't know why I am still surfing rubbish blogs and writing this rubbish thing. I have so much more important things to do. Some ppl think blogs are a waste of time. I agree to a certain extent, but it can actually be quite therapeutic for me. With a blog, you know what kind of shitty life you are leading as you record down details of your life. When you realise that you have nothing to write, you will realise how shitty your life is. To add on to all the writing I have to do, I actually took Journalism as a GE. Huiying, Journalism?? My grammar sucks like he**, I wonder how I am actually going to go through it. To think that even Wilson is teaching English tution. So, I really got no excuse for my bad english in the future.
Besides Journalism, I have a whole load of subjects. My FYP seems quite easy, but to get A you still must work hard. Its no longer the Fullerene subject as there is a change. Its call " Rheology and dynamics of stimuli-Responsive microgel systems". Sounds scary, but Rheology actually stands for Viscosity. Dynamics just come about because of the equipment use to measure the viscosity of the microgel by adding a force to the spinning microgel. Its a collaborative project with some ppl in USA and the microgel have to be obtain from there. Anyway, I believe it doesn't makes a difference.
I want to do well so badly since its my last year. A pee size brain really have limits. When you get out of school, people do judge you from the honours that you get. Hence the importance of your certificate. Haha... So that is just what I wish. Hopefully when I come back agian, I am proud to say I have done my best.
I am going to graduate in 1 year... How?? Am I really going to become an engineer?!? :_( Tat's wat you get for not following your heart but your head. But what's in my heart? As the day approaches, I will just become more depress..
1) I dun like to be stuck in an office even if its really comfortable and nice.
2) I dun like office politics
3) I dun like to do OT
4) I dun like to act nice and good, I dun like to see ppl face to work..
5) I like to do something which i feel can really help others and they will be happy
6) But my heart is still not big enough for charity work
7) I like kids, but i dun want to be a teacher cos i have met my fair share of nasty teacher.
8) Come to think of it $$ is not everything..
SOO HOW ?!?!?!?
22 years old!!
My birthday is ending soon.... Just went to paris for a sweet dinner.. I mean the buffet.. haha.. Tmr will be having curry rice. I suppose Jap one.
This ring is pure sinful. OMG! nothing to do with my bd.. haha